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Steamed Cranberry Pudding

1 1/3 c flour 
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 c molasses 

2 tsp baking soda
1/2 c. boiling water 

1 cup cranberries
Stir soda into molasses and set aside. Boil cranberries in water for five
mins. Mix all ingredients together and pour into a greased 28-oz juice can
and steam for 1 hour
1/2 c. white sugar 
1/4 c. butter
1/2 c. cream 

1/2 tsp vanilla
Mix all together and boil for a few minutes. Pour over warm slices of

Rice Pudding

1 cup of white rice
1 cup of sugar
about a 1/2 gallon of milk (whole or 2%)

Combine the rice and the sugar in a double boiler and cover with milk.
Keep the double boiler going and continue to cover with milk (check it
about every 1/2 hour). This whole process will take about 5 hours until
it is tender, but it is definitely worth it!! Sprinkle with cinnamon and
(if you want) raisins.

Queen of Puddings

2 TBs Bread crumbs 
1/2 Lemon rind grated
1/2 oz butter 

3 oz Castor sugar
1/4 pint Milk 

1 Egg (seperated)
a little red jam (Raspberry Plum strawberry)

Put Bread crumbs Lemon rind & butter and 1/2 the sugar into Bowl.
Bring milk to boil over med heat, pour on to contents of bowl and leave
to soak for 10 mins, Add egg yolk lightly beaten, pour into buttered
1/2 to 1 pint Baking dish. Place in mod oven 355 F or gas mark 4 Bake
20-25 min. Test centre remove spread with jam, Wisk egg white till stiff
add 1/2 remaining sugar wisk again with a metal spoon fold in rest of sugar
spoon over pudding, rough up the surface plae in hot oven 400 F gas mark 6
3-5 min till golden.

Coffee Cake

1-1/2 cups unbleached sifted flour
1 cup sugar
2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
2 eggs
1 cup sour cream
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/4 cup fresh fruit
5 tbsp. sugar
2 tbsp. butter (softened - NOT MELTED)
1 tsp. cinnamon

Heat oven to 350. Sift flour with sugar, baking powder, soda and
salt. In separate bowl, beat together eggs, sour cream and vanilla.
Add to flour mixture and beat until smooth. Spread in oiled 9x9"
baking pan. Dot with fresh fruit. Mix topping ingredients together
until mixture resembles cornmeal. Sprinkle over batter. Bake for
(20-25 min)*. Coffee cake is done when toothpick inserted in center
comes out clean.

When I cooked it in a gas oven it was more like 60 min. cooking time. Keep an eye on it.

Peach Cobbler

Cream together:
2 eggs
1/4 cup butter
1/2 cup sugar
2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1 cup flour
1/2 cup milk

Pour into 9x11 slightly greased & floured baking dish. Pour peaches (or
1 can cherries, or whatever) over the cake batter (juice and all). Sprinkle
with 1/2 cup sugar. Bake at 375 for 45 mins. or until toothpick inserted into
cake part comes out clean (45 to 55 mins).

Fresh Peach Cobbler

1-1/4 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup light brown sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 cup butter or margarine
4 cups sliced fresh peaches
1 tbsp. lemon juice
1 tsp. lemon peel

Combine 1 cup flour, 1/2 cup sugar, salt and cinnamon. Cut in butter
with 2 knives until coarse (resembling corn meal). Combine peaches,
lemon juice, lemon peel, 1/2 cup sugar and 1/4 cup flour. Spoon into
greased 9" square dish. Sprinkle flour mixture over peaches. Bake
covered for 15 mins. Remove cover and bake 35 to 45 min. longer.

Dirt Dessert

1 Planter
Plastic Flowers
1 Spade
Cellophane or wax paper
candy rocks (optional)
gummi worms (optional)
2 - 1lb packages oreo cookies
1/2 stick margerine
8 oz cream cheese
1 cup powder sugar
3 1/2 cups milk
2 small packages french vanilla instant pudding mix
12 oz cool whip

Mix with blender: margerine, cream cheese and powder sugar.
Mix in separate bowl: milk, pudding mix and cool whip.
Combine the above.
Crush oreo cookies with cream left in the middle (blender or
chopper/mixer works well).
Line bottom of planter with cellophane/wax paper.
Put layer of oreos then creamed mixture - continue until mixture
is used up and last layer is oreos.
Garnish with gummi worms and candy rocks and serve with the

Chocolate Mousse

200 grams (.45 lb) semi-sweet chocolate
1/2 cup water
5 eggs (seperated)
1 tsp. instant coffee (if desired.
vanila flavoring (extract or powder)
2 tbsp. conf. sugar.

Melt the chocolate in a pan, over low heat, with a few tbspns of
water. Beat the egg yolks and add them to the chocolate with the
instant coffee.
Beat the egg whites with the conf. sugar until thick, and then
beat a few minutes more.
Add the beaten egg whites to the melted chocolate and *slowly*
mix it in.
After that, we usually place it in small, glass, personal-size
bowls, and refrigerate until it gets thick. You could also put
it in one large one, or, for a formal occasion, champagne

Cherry Crisp

1 box white cake mix
1 stick of margarine
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1 can cherry pie filling
2 tbls lemon juice
1 teas almond flavoring

Mix cherries, lemon juice and almond flavoring, pour into a 9" pan.
Melt margarine, mix with dry cake mix and walnuts. Sprinkle over
cherries, bake at 350 for about 30 minutes until slightly brown on
I have also used chocolate cake mix for a psuedo "black forest cake".
Easy, quick, and yummy!

Apple Fantasy Dessert

2/3 c. flour
3 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 eggs
1 c. granulated sugar
1/2 c. brown sugar
3 tsp vanilla or rum or bourbon
3 c. diced apples

Beat eggs, add sugar and vanilla and beat well. Add dry ingredients
and mix. Dump in apples and stir until evenly distributed. Put in a
deep baking dish or souffle dish. Bake 45 minutes at 350. Serve

Green Tea Ice Cream

1 quart milk
..5 ounce powdered Japanese green tea
15 egg yolks
1 pound sugar
1 cup heavy cream
1 cup half & half

Bring milk to a boil. Remove from heat and add green tea. Mix well.
In a separate bowl, beat egg yolks and sugar together until they form
a ribbon. Combine egg mixture and milk, then strain into a saucepan.
Cook over medium-high heat until just before the mixture reaches a
boil. Remove from heat and cool completely over ice water. Beat
heavy cream and half & half until frothy. Pour into egg mixture and
mix well. Process in an ice cream maker according to manufacturer's

Chocolate Raspberry Ice Cream

4 oz. unsweetened chocolate
1 cup milk
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup cream
1/2 pint raspberries
1/8-1/4 cup sugar

Melt the chocolate over very low heat. Add 1 cup milk and heat until
chocolate is fully dissolved into the milk. Remove from heat and cool.
Beat eggs until light and fluffy. Add sugar and beat more. Add cream
and vanilla and beat more. Add chocolate mixture, beat thoroughly, and
chill until cold (1-3 hours, depending on your 'fridge).
While chocolate base is freezing, mash the raspberries with the sugar,
cover, and refrigerate.
When chocolate mixture is cold, freeze it in your ice cream maker. When
it is about 2 minutes from being "done" (this would be at the 20 minute
mark in a Donvier), add the raspberry mixture. If you add the raspberries
early they will sink to the bottom. Better to add them late.
Finish freezing and enjoy.
This is some seriously rich ice cream!

Chocolate Ice Cream

2.5oz (75g) Semisweet or unsweetened chocolate
1 cup (1/4 liter) light cream (single cream)
3 egg yolks
1/3 cup (75ml) sugar
1 cup heavy cream (double cream)

Rinse out a saucepan with cold water and heat the chocolate in it with light
cream. Stir from time to time. Don't let the mixture boil.
In a heatproof bowl, beat egg yolks and sugar until they are thick and creamy.
Slowly add chocolate mixture and stir well.
Place the bowl over a pan of simmering water and stir or gently beat the
mixture until it begins to thicken. Set aside and cool.
Whip heavy cream lightly and fold it into the chocolate mixture.
Freeze in an ice-cream freezer.

Almond Ice Cream

1/4 cup blanched almonds
2 cups milk
2/3 cup heavy cream
3 egg yolks
1/2 cup superfine sugar
1tsp kirsch

Pound the almond into paste.
Add milk and heavy cream, mix thoroughly together.
In a saucepan, heat the almond mixture to a boil. Remove from heat.
In a bowl, mix egg yolks, sugar and kirsch for 5 minutes.
Add almond milk and mix well with wooden spoon.
Heat the mixture over low heat for 5 minutes without letting it boil. Stir
continuously. Then allow it to cool.
Strain through a sieve into ice cream maker and freeze until the ice cream is
thoroughly firm.

Pumpkin Cheesecake

1 1/2 cups crushed zwieback
3 tablespoons sugar
1/4 cup butter, melted
2 8-ounce packages cream cheese, softened
1 cup canned pumpkin
3/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 eggs
1 cup light cream
1 cup dairy sour cream
2 tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

For crust, combine crushed zwieback, 3 tablespoons sugar, and melted
butter. Press into bottom and 2 inches up sides of 9-inch springform
pan. Bake in a 325 oven for 5 minutes.
For filling, in a large mixer bowl combine the softened cream cheese,
pumpkin, the 3/4 cup sugar, the 1 teaspoon vanilla, cinnamon, ginger,
nutmeg, and salt. Beat till blended.
Add eggs, beating with electric mixer on low speed just till blended.
DO NOT OVERBEAT. Stir in the light cream. Turn into crust-lined pan.
Bake in a 325 oven for 50 minutes. Combine the sour cream, the 2
tablespoons sugar and the 1/2 teaspoon vanilla; spread over cheesecake.
Bake 5 minutes more. Chill. Serves 12.

Baklava cheesecake

32 ozs CREAM CHEESE, room temperature
1/4 cup LEMON JUICE (fresh)
2 tsps VANILLA
6 JUMBO EGGS, room temperature

 Beat cream cheese in large bowl of electric mixer until
light & fluffy. Gradually mix in honey, then lemon juice &
vanilla. Beat in eggs 1 at a time until just incorporated.
Set aside. Stir through filling & pour into crust.
Cover filling with overhanging phyllo, squaring at edge of
Bake until pastry is light brown and cake is firm to touch,
about 50 mins.
Remove pan sides; using toothpick, poke 12 holes in top of
cake to allow steam to escape. Cool completely on rack.
Refrigerate 2 days to mellow flavors, covering after first
1/2 cup WALNUTS
1/2 cup ALMONDS, blanched
1/2 TBS BUTTER (unsalted), clarified
1 1-1/2 inch CINNAMON STICK

Cover baking sheet with 2 pieces of parchment.
Coarsely grind all nuts with 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 tsp.
cinnamon in processor. Stack 10 reserved phyllo pastry
sheets on work surface. Set rim of 10-inch springform pan
atop pastry. Cut around inside of rim through entire stack
using sharp knife, making 10 rounds. Cover rounds with damp
towel. Set pan rim on prepared baking sheet.
Brush parchment and inside of pan rim with butter. Place
one pastry round in pan rim and brush with butter. Repeat
with four more rounds. Spread nut mixture evenly over
pastry. Top with remaining 5 pastry rounds, brushing each
with butter. Using ruler as guide, cut pastry into 16
wedges (or however many pieces you want) with sharp knife.
Sprinkle lightly with water. Bake until crisp and golden,
about 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, heat 1/2 cup sugar, water, and lemon juice in
heavy small saucepan over low heat, swirling pan
occasionally until sugar dissolves. Add cinnamon stick,
increase heat to medium and boil until syrupy, about 4
minutes. Remove from heat. When bubbles subside, add
Flatten pastry atop cake. Remove pan rim from topping. Set
topping on cake, using large spatula. Re-cut wedges.
Replace pan rim on assembled cake. Immediately pour on hot
syrup. Cool one hour.
Refrigerate one to 6 hours, preferably six hours. Let cake
stand at room temperature for 20 minutes before serving.

Chinese Scallion Cakes

1 1/4 C all-purpose flour (approx. 5 cups)
3/4 pint boiling water
1 or 2 Tbs cold water
1 or 2 tsp sesame oil
1 1/2 tsp salt
4 oz margarine or butter
12 oz chopped scallions (about 35)
peanut or corn oil for frying

Sift flour into a large bowl. Pour in the boiling water gradually and
mix with a fork. Rub together with fingers while the flour is still
warm. Add the cold water and knead to form a firm, but not hard,
dough. Cover and let stand for 10 minutes.
Oil a flat surface and a rolling pin with 1 tsp sesame oil. Place
dough on oiled surface. Knead a few times and divide into 6 pieces.
Roll out one piece into a 6 - 7 inch circle with the edges slightly
thinner than the middle. Sprinkle all over with a good 1/4 tsp of
salt and press in with your fingers. Generously spread with 1/2 oz
margarine all over, stopping just short of edges. Spread with about 5
Tbs of chopped scallions.
With both hands, pick of the sides nearest you and roll the cake up
away from you (like a jellyroll), taking care not to let the scallions
fall out. The dough should now be in a cylindrical shape. Pinch the
ends closed and roll towards each other until the dough is
ball-shaped. Gently roll the ball out until it's about 6 inches
across. Don't worry if the surface of the cake bursts while you're
rolling . Repeat for each piece of dough.
Heat a heavy, flat frying pan until hot. Add 2 Tbs oil. Fry the
cakes over low heat, covered, for 4 or 5 minutes or until spotted
brown. Turn over and fry the other side likewise. Remove and drain
on a paper towel.
Serve hot.

Chinese Potato Salad

5-6 medium potatoes (about 2 1/2 pounds)
4 slices bacon, well-cooked and crumbled
3/4 cup chopped bok choy
1 red pepper, diced
1/2 cup chopped green onion
1/4 cup chopped celantro
1 1/3 cup mayonnaise
1 tsp sugar
1 tbs soy sauce
1-2 tsp sesame oil
1/8-1/4 tsp hot mustard powder
1/8 tsp salt

Boil the potatoes until cooked but still firm. Cut into potato
salad-sized chunks. Mix the ingredients for the sauce together,
using more or less sesame oil and host mustard according to taste
(the more the better, up to a point...). Put all solid ingredients
together in a large bowl, then add the sauce and mix well.

Cajun Dirty Rice

1 lb. ground pork
1 lb. ground beef
1 large bell pepper
1 medium onion
5 - 6 peeled cloves of garlic
1 or 2 fresh, green cayenne peppers (if available)
1 tsp. salt (use to own taste)
1 tsp. red pepper (use to own taste -- balance with fresh pepper above)
2 cans mushroom steak sauce (NOT soup, usual brand I find here is Dawn's;
1 can = about 4-6 oz.)
3-4 cups cooked rice ( not real sure about this amout)

The Dressing Mix:
 Pan fry the ground meat well until all of the meat is well done. Put bell
pepper, onion and garlic into food processor and "nearly" liquify it, then
add this to the meat. The pepper/onion/garlic should sizzle as you stir it
well into the the meat. When the sizzling fades, add the mushroom steak
sauce and a little water and allow the entire dressing mix to simmer for at
least a half hour.
Dirty Rice:
Cooked rice can be added to this mixure and thoroughly stirred. The more
rice you add, the drier and "whiter" the resulting dressing will be. Adding
the right amount of rice will result in a dress that is moist with the rice
appearing very brown ("dirty").
 Cornbread Dressing:
Substitute crumbed cornbread for cooked rice.

For the Grill

1 Can (10 ¾ oz) Campbell’s Tomato Soup
2 tblsp. Each packed brown sugar, lemon juice, and vegetable oil.
1 tblsp. Worchester sauce.
1 tsp. Garlic powder.
¼ tsp. Dried thyme leaves crushed.
1 ½ lb Boneless beef sirloin steak, ¾ “ thick.

Mix soup, sugar, lemon juice, oil, Worchester, garlic and thyme. Grill steak to desired
doneness (15min. for medium) , turning once and brushing often with soup mixture.
Heat remaining soup mixture to a boil and serve with steak.
Yield: serves 6

Another grill favorite

1 Steak (your favorite cut).
1/8 lb blue cheese (2 oz).
1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice.
Grill the steak to desired doneness. Just before the steak is ready, heat the cheese and
lemon juice together over low heat to make a sauce. Place steak on serving plate, pour
sauce over top and serve immediately.

Ranch style eggs

10 Eggs
2 tbs Vegetable oil
1 Small onion cut into small wedges
1 Small green pepper finely sliced
2 Cloves garlic finely chopped
16 oz Garden style salsa
4 oz Diced green Chile peppers
1 Package flour tortillas (optional)
8 oz Sliced Swiss cheese

Heat vegetable oil in large skillet over medium hot coals. Add onions, bell peppers
and garlic, cook, stirring occasionally for three to four minutes until vegetables are
tender crisp. Add beaten eggs and chiles, Cook stirring occasionally until eggs are
firm. Top with slices of Swiss cheese and cover momentarily until cheese melts.
Serve with warm tortillas. Substitute tortillas for toast or other favorite bread.

Quick Dessert

Biscuit mix
Milk or water
Follow the directions on the biscuit box, using a little less water than called for. Twist
the dough around the end of a green stick. Hold and slowly rotate over hot coals until
cooked. Dip into honey and enjoy. Honey can be substituted with butter and jam or
other favorite topping.

Fast and Easy

2Packages instant ramen noodles-oriental flavor
2 cups water
1 pound lean ground beef
1bunch scallions
16 oz frozen oriental vegetables
1-tablespoon soy sauce
Break the Ramen noodles into a medium bowl. Sprinkle with just one seasoning
packet. Cover with two cups of boiling water and allow to sit while you prepare the
remaining ingredients.
In a large skillet or wok, brown ground beef over medium heat until cooked. Drain.
Add the scallions and sprinkle with the contents of remaining seasoning packet. Cook
for an additional minute.
Add the noodles and the water in which they were soaking, frozen vegetables, and the
soy sauce. Cover and bring to simmer. Cook until the frozen vegetables are tender,
about five minutes.

Easy Stroganoff

2 ts Butter or margarine
1 cn Cream of mushroom soup
1 lb Round steak, cut into thin strips
¼ cup Water
½ cup Sour cream
½ cup Chopped onion
½ ts Paprika

Melt butter or margarine in skillet. Brown strips of round steak in hot fat. Add onions
and brown. Stir in soup, sour cream and paprika. Cover and cook over low heat about
45 minutes or until meat is tender. Stir frequently. Serve over noodles or rice

Creole Skillet

2 Tb Margarine.
1 Md Onion- chopped
½ Md Green pepper- chopped
½ C Celery-chopped
2 Tb Flour
2 Ts seasoning salt
2 Can Chunky tuna
1 ½ Can Kernel corn

Melt margarine in skillet and lightly fry onion, pepper and celery until tender crisp.
Add other ingredients and heat through. Serve with rice and grated Parmesan /
Romano cheese.

Burgers in Foil

1 Package 1 ½ lb ground beef
4 16-inch squares aluminum foil
4 Carrots, sliced
1 Can potatoes 16 oz, sliced
2 Green bell pepper, chopped

Dehydrated onion flakes
Worchester sauce
Salt and pepper to taste
Separate meat onto four portions. Place each in the center of a square of aluminum

Top with equal portions of chopped carrots, potatoes and peppers. Season with
dehydrated onions, Worchester sauce and salt and pepper to taste. Seal foil, checking
for leaks. Place on hot coals for 10 to 15 minutes per side.

Chicken in foil

1 sm Green pepper, chopped
½ sm Red pepper, chopped
10 Mushrooms, chopped
4 lg Chicken breasts
1 cans Pineapple slices (8oz)
Non-stick cooking spray or 1 tsp butter
Garlic powder, salt and pepper to taste
4 Squares heavy-duty foil (16x16 inches)

Divide the bell peppers and mushrooms into 4 equal parts. Coat a small area in the
center of the foil with cooking spray or a small amount of butter. Place a portion of
peppers and mushrooms on the greased area of the foil. Top with a chicken breast and
a pineapple slice. Season with garlic powder, salt and pepper to your taste.
Fold the foil securely and check for leaks. Place on the coals for 10 to 15 minutes per

Campfire Hash

4 cups Shredded dried hash brown potatoes
2 pk Onion soup mix
1 ½ lb Ground meat or sausage
Assorted seasons to taste
1 lg Pot with a lid
1 lg Spoon
6 oz Water

Brown the meat in the bottom of the pan. Break up the meat as it assuring that all the
meat is cooked. Stir in the water and soup mix thoroughly. Heat to boiling and
simmer a few minutes. Add the dry potatoes and stir to mix. Cover the pot and move
to the edge of the fire for about ten minutes and allow the potatoes to absorb all the
liquid. Move the pot back on the heat and stir while cooking the potatoes, cook five to
ten minutes. Serve hot.

Camp Cobbler

1 can Large sliced peaches
1 can Large fruit cocktail
1 can Small crushed pineapples
½ cup Instant tapioca
¼ lb Margarine
1 cup Brown sugar
1 pk Cake mix

In a 12 inch foil lined Dutch oven, combine fruit and tapioca. Sprinkle cake mix
evenly over top of fruit. Sprinkle brown sugar over cake mix. Dab butter All over top
of brown sugar. Place lid on oven. Bake 45 minutes to one hour. USE six to eight
coals on the bottom, and fourteen to sixteen coals on the top. Cake is done when top
is brown and cake has absorbed juices and is no longer dry.

Marinated Steak Kabobs

1 cup Onion, chopped
1/2 cup Vegetable oil
1/2 cup Lemon juice
1/4 cup Soy sauce
1 tablespoon Worcesteshire sauce
1 teaspoon Mustard, prepared
1 pound Sirloin steak, cut in 2"cubes
1 large Green pepper, cut in 1"pieces
2 medium Onions, quartered
2 medium Tomatoes, quartered
1 cup Apple Wood Chips

Saute onion in oil; remove from heat. Stir in lemon juice, soy sauce,
Worcestershire sauce, and mustard; pour over meat and vegetables.
Cover and marinate overnight in refrigerator. Remove meat and
vegetables from marinade, reserving marinade. Alternate meat and
vegetables on skewers.
Soak Apple Wood Chips in water for 30 minutes. Prepare fire in grill.
When the grill is up up temperature, add wood chips; let them start
smoking. Grill kabobs 5 minutes on each side over coals or until desired
degree of doneness, brushing frequently with marinade.

Bourbon Steak

1−1/2 pounds steak
1 teaspoon. sugar
1/4 cup bourbon
2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons water
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 cup Apple Wood Chips
Mix all ingredients (except chips) together, place in ziplock bag and marinate
steak 4 hours or over night. Soak wood chips in water for 30 minutes, and
add to hot coals just before commencing to grill. Grill steak to desired
doneness. This recipe is good with any cut of steak you like.

Barbecued Chuck Roast

4 pounds Round (7−bone chuck roast), Cut 2" thick
2 teaspoons Meat tenderizer
3 each Green onions, chopped
1 each Garlic clove
1/4 each Green Pepper (diced)
2 each Stalks Celery, diced
1/2 teaspoon Oregano
1/2 teaspoon Rosemary
1 dash Cayenne
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
3/4 cup Burgundy wine
3 tablespoons Peanut oil

Slash fat edges. Sprinkle both sides of roast evenly with meat tenderizer.
Pierce meat deeply all over with fork.
Place in shallow dish and top with green onions, garlic, green pepper,
celery, oregano, rosemary and cayenne.
Combine worcestershire, burgundy and oil and pour over meat. Refrigerate
overnight, turning meat several times, each time spooning the chopped
ingredients over top again.
Sear both sides over glowing coals. Raise grill and continue cooking,
having meat about six inches from heat, until done as desired. Allow from
50 to 60 minues for total cooking time. Brush frequently during cooking with
any remaining marinade.

Grilled Halibut With Oriental Sauce

1/4 cup orange juice
2 Tablespoons soy sauce
2 Tablespoons ketchup
2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
2 Tablespoons fresh parsley or 1 Tbsp dried parsley, chopped
1 Tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1/2 Teaspoon oregano
1/2 Teaspoon pepper
1 clove garlic, minced
4 6−oz. halibut steaks, cleaned
1 cup Apple Wood chips
Combine orange juice, soy sauce, ketchup, oil, parsley, lemon juice,
oregano, pepper and garlic in a small bowl. Brush the mixture evenly on the
steaks, refrigerate.
Brush the grill lightly with oil. Light the coals or gas grill. Soak the
apple wood chips in water for about 45 minutes. When the coals turn white
add the wood chips. When the chips start to smoke place the steaks on the
grill rack and cook turning once, about 5 to 6 minutes per side, or until
the steaks flake when tested with a fork.

Shrimp On The Barbie

12 Giant Prawns, shelled and heads and tails intact
1/4 cup Butter
1 cup Orange juice (freshly, squeezed)
2 tablespoons Sherry
1 teaspoon Orange Zest (grated)
2 each Green onions, tops and white
1 teaspoon Ginger root, (freshly grated)
Soak a dozen long wooden skewers in water for 30 minutes. Then push
skewers through prawns, lengthwise, from head to tail with only 1 to a
skewer. Combine all ingredients in saucepan and cook over medium to
low heat, stirring, until butter is completely melted. Dip skewered prawns
in the orange sauce and position on oiled grill rack about 4 inches above
the coals. Baste liberally with sauce and grill for 2 minutes. Turn the
prawn over and baste again, cooking for another 2 minutes. Smaller
prawn will be done at this point, but continue basting and turning larger
prawn until they are pink and cooked through. Remove from heat
immediately when done, as they will get tough if overcooked. Use any
remaining sauce for a dip for the prawns.

Mediterranean Grilled Vegetables

1 pound Large onion
1 pound Red bell pepper
1 pound Green bell pepper
1 pound Yellow squash
1 pound Zucchini squash
1 cup Olive oil
1/3 cup Italian seasoning
Peel onions and cut top−to−bottom in large wedges. Cut tops from bell
peppers, remove core, and cut in large top−to−bottom pieces. Trim ends
from squash and cut in diagonal rounds, about 1/2" thick. Toss all
vegetables in a large bowl with olive oil and seasoning, breaking up the
onion wedges somewhat. Place in a single layer on a very hot grill
(watch out for the flare−ups!) and grill, turning occasionally, until peppers
are slightly charred and veggies are tender (about 5 minutes).
Serve immediately. These are also good refrigerated, then microwaved
to reheat.

Grilled Leek And Sweet Pepper

2 medium leeks, green tops trimmed, split up to the root ends, cleaned
1 Tablespoon olive oil
1 large red bell pepper
1 large yellow bell pepper
4 Tablespoon unsalted butter
1 large clove, garlic, minced fine
1/3 cup dry vermouth
salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
12 oz. fresh fettuccine
1 Tablespoon fresh thyme leaves
1 cup Apple Wood chips
Prepare a medium−hot fire in the grill. Coat the leeks with olive oil.
When the coals are covered in gray ash add the presoaked chips to the fire.
When the chips start to smoke place the leeks and peppers on the cooking
grid directly over the fire.
Grill, turning as needed, until leeks are tender and golden brown, about
10−12 minutes, and skin of peppers is charred, about 15 minutes. Remove the
leeks from grill and let cool. Remove the peppers from the grill and place
in a paper or plastic bag and seal; set aside and allow to steam.
When cool, trim root ends from leeks, then cut into thin strips. Peel and
seed bell peppers and cut into thin strips.
Meanwhile, heat a large pot of water to boiling.
Heat butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add garlic and cook,
stirring frequently, until pale golden. Add vermouth, and reduce to syrupy
consistency. Stir in leeks and peppers and season with salt and pepper.
Salt boiling water, add pasta, and cook until tender but still firm to the
bite. Drain thoroughly, add to skillet and toss well. Sprinkle with thyme
and serve hot.

Baby Back Ribs With Mustard Sauce

1/3 cup Brown sugar
1/4 cup Onion, finely chopped
1/4 cup Vinegar
1/4 cup Mustard
1/2 teaspoon Celery seed
1/4 teaspoon Garlic powder
4 pounds Pork spareribs, or pork loin ribs, cut into pieces
For sauce, in a saucepan combine brown sugar, onion, vinegar, mustard,
celery seed and garlic powder. Bring to boiling, stirring till sugar
dissolves. Preheat grill. Adjust heat for indirect cooking. Place ribs
on grill rack over medium heat. Cover and grill for 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 hours or
till ribs are tender and no pink remains. Brush occasionally with sauce the
last 15 minutes of grilling.

Memphis−Style Barbecued Ribs

3 Pound Racks baby back ribs
2 Teaspoon Salt
2 Teaspoon Coarse ground black pepper
Apple Juice for Basting
1 Cup Red wine vinegar
2 Cup Onion, chopped
2 Garlic, cloves, minced
1/4 Cup Mustard, yellow prepared
1/2 Cup Brown sugar, packed
2 Cup Ketchup
2 Lemons, thinly sliced
1 Teaspoon Louisiana hot sauce
Trim as much fat as possible from ribs. On bone side, work knife tip beneath
membrane that covers bone until finger tips can be worked beneath rack
membrane, loosening enough to get firm grip. Then peel membrane off rack.
With paring knife, scrape any fat away from bone.
Sprinkle ribs on both sides with even, light coating of salt and pepper.
Place ribs, bone−side−down on grill. Grill over low fire 1 1/2 hours, turning
every 15 to 20 minutes, replenishing fire as necessary. Baste with apple
juice at every turn during first half of cooking period either by brushing
on, or simply spraying apple juice from spray bottle. If smoking with
indirect heat, turn at 1 hour intervals, cooking 4 to 6 hours.
Combine vinegar, onion, garlic, mustard, sugar and hot sauce in blender.
Blend until smooth. Place in saucepan and add ketchup. Simmer 20 minutes.
Add lemon slices. Stir occasionally to keep from sticking. Use sauce as
frequent baste for last half of cooking period, whether grilling or smoking,
being careful not to burn ribs. Serve remaining sauce on side.

Apple Smoked Barbecue Ribs

2 slabs baby back ribs, or spareribs
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 cup Apple Wood Chips
barbecue sauce (recipe follows)
Preheat oven to 400F. Rub cinnamon, cloves and pepper into
both sides of ribs. Place ribs on wire rack on baking pan.
Bake for 3 hours until tender.
Soak wood chips in water for 30 minutes. Prepare grill.
Place apple wood chips directly in the center of hot barbecue
coals. Baste ribs and place on grill above wood chips. Cover,
grill and cook for 10 minutes. Turn ribs, baste again and cook
another 10 minutes or until ribs are browned but still moist.
Barbecue Sauce:
2−15 oz. cans tomato sauce
1/2 cup molasses
10 cloves garlic
2 tablespoons ground cumin
2 tablespoons dry mustard
fresh ground pepper
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon hot pepper flakes
1/2 cup red wine vinegar
Combine all ingredients except vinegar in saucepan. Simmer,
covered, on low heat for 1 hour, stirring occasionally. Add
vinegar to taste and simmer for another 15 minutes. Chill at
least 24 hours, or until ready to use.

Grilled Key Lime Chicken

3 pounds Chicken breasts; boneless, skinless
1 cup Key lime juice
1 tablespoon Honey
3/4 cup Water
1/2 teaspoon Fresh ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon Ground thyme
2 tablespoons Vegetable oil
1 tablespoon Fresh ginger; peel, grated
Combine all ingredients except chicken in blender or food processor.
Process until combined well. Pour over chicken. Cover and let
marinate in the refrigerator overnight. Grill over hot coals, turning
once, until done. Garnish with cilantro and lime slices.

Barbecued Orange Chicken

2 1/2 lbs chicken parts
BBQ Sauce:
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup frozen orange juice concentrate
1/2 cup white wine vinegar
1/4 cup tomato paste
1 orange zest, removed with grater, orange
slices reserved for salad
1 large, ripe tomato
1 orange, sectioned (without rind, see above)
2 scallions, chopped
1 Tablespoon vegetable oil
1 Tablespoon white wine vinegar
1/8 Teaspoon salt
1/8 Teaspoon pepper
Prepare grill; heat coals. In medium bowl, mix together all barbecue
ingredients until smooth. Place chicken on grill away from center heat,
skin−side−down; cook 15 minutes. Turn chicken and grill for 10 additional
minutes. Brush chicken pieces with sauce and turn occasionally; cooking
for additional 10 minutes. Cut tomato into wedges and place in medium
bowl. Use sharp paring knife to cut out white pith off orange. Remove
orange sections and add them to tomato. Sprinkle with oil, vinegar and
scallions; toss. Season with salt and pepper and toss again. Serve
chicken with salad on the side.

Cinnamon Honey Wings

2 1/2 pounds Chicken wings
4 each Garlic cloves, chopped
1/4 cup Olive oil
2 tablespoons Soy sauce
1/4 cup Vinegar, rice
1/4 cup Honey, mild
1−1/2 teaspoons Cinnamon, ground
1 teaspoon Thyme
1/2 teaspoon Ginger, ground
1/2 teaspoon Mustard, dry
1 cup Apple Wood Chips
Mix all ingredients (except chips) in a plastic bag then knead occasionally
for 2 hours. Soak wood chips in water for 30 minutes. Prepare fire in grill.
Add chips to hot coals. Cook wings on the grill for about 10 minutes on
one side, then turn and baste with the marinade. Continue cooking
10 minutes or until done. Serve immediately or refrigerate until needed.

Maple Barbecued Chicken

4 skinless chicken thighs
3 tablespoons maple syrup
3 tablespoons chili sauce
1 tablespoon cider vinegar
1 tablespoon canola oil
2 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 cup Apple Wood Chips
Soak Apple Chips in water for 30 minutes. Preheat grill. Combine syrup,
chili sauce, vinegar and mustard together in a saucepan. Let simmer for
5 minutes. Brush chicken with the oil and season with salt and pepper.
Add wood chips to coals. Place chicken on grill and cook for 10−15 minutes
or until fork tender. Turn occasionally and brush generously with sauce in
the last few minutes before they are done.

Kansas City Rib Rub

1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup paprika
1 tablespoon black pepper
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon chili powder
3/4 tablespoon garlic powder
3/4 tablespoon onion powder
1 teaspoon cayenne
Mix all ingredients together and store in an air tight container.

Chili Paste

1 Lemon (and zest)
1 Lime (and zest)
1 orange (and zest)
1/2 green chili, or more to taste (chopped with or without seeds)
5 garlic cloves (finely crushed)
3 tablespoons mild chili powder
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon paprika
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Mix 1/2 teaspoon of each fruit zest and all the juices with other
ingredients. Add more spices if desired. Let stand at least 30 minutes
before using (should thicken).

Cajun Blackening Spices

5 teaspoons paprika
1 teaspoon ground dried oregano
1 teaspoon ground dried thyme
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon finely ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon finely ground white pepper
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
Mix together and store in an air−tight container.

Carolina BBQ Rub

2 tablespoons salt
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 tablespoons ground cumin
2 tablespoons chili powder
2 tablespoons freshly ground black pepper
1 tablespoon cayenne pepper
1/4 cup paprika
Combine all ingredients in a small bowl and mix well; use as a dry rub on
beef, chicken, lamb or pork.

Molasses Orange Barbecue Sauce

1 Can Tomato soup, condensed (10 3/4 Ounce)
1 Can Tomato sauce, 8 Ounce can
1/2 Cup Molasses, light
1/2 Cup Vinegar
1/2 Cup Brown sugar, packed
1/4 Cup Vegetable oil
1 Tablespoon Minced onion, instant
1 Tablespoon Seasoned salt
1 Tablespoon Dry mustard
1 Tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 Tablespoon Orange peel, finely shredded
1−1/2 Teaspoon Paprika
1/2 Teaspoon Pepper, black
1/4 Teaspoon Garlic powder
In a saucepan, combine all ingredients. Bring to a boil; reduce heat and
simmer uncovered fo 20 minutes. Use to baste beef or poultry last
15 minutes of grilling.

Tennessee BBQ Sauce

1 Cup Catsup
1/2 Cup Vinegar
1/4 Cup Worcestershire sauce
2 Cup Water
1 Onions, chopped
1/2 Cup Brown sugar
1 Teaspoon Celery seed
1/2 Teaspoon Salt
Combine ingredients in small saucepan and bring to boil. Simmer until
reduced to thick sauce, stirring occasionally.

Watermelon Barbecue Sauce

1 − 6 Pound Seedless Watermelon chunk
8 Ounces Tomato Paste
1 Tablespoon Onion Powder
1 Tablespoon Garlic Powder
2 Cups Firmly packed brown sugar
1/2 Cup Sherry
2 Teaspoons Lemon juice
1 Teaspoon Liquid smoke
Cut the melon into pieces and place in a saucepan. Cook it uncovered over
medium heat until the melon is the consistency of applesauce (approximately
2−3 hours). Stir it occasionally. Add remaining ingredients. Simmer
uncovered over low heat for 2 hours. Allow to cool to room temperature
before using.

Jack Daniel's Grilling Sauce

1/2 cup pineapple juice
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1−1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 cup Jack Daniel's Whiskey
Combine all ingredients and mix well. Dip meat in sauce and place on grill
over hot coals. When meat is turned, brush with sauce. Grill to desired
degree of doneness. Just before meat is removed from grill, brush again
with sauce. Makes enough for 8 servings.

Honey Spiced BBQ Sauce

1 1/4 Cup Catchup
2/3 Cup Salad oil
3/4 Cup Vinegar
5 Tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1 Cup Honey
2 Tablespoon Dry mustard
3 Teaspoon Ginger, fresh grated
1 Lemon, sliced thinly
3 Tablespoons Butter
Combine all ingredients in a saucepan and heat to blend together.
Remove lemon peel before basting


3 C. nonfat dry milk
2 1/2 C. all−purpose flour
1 C. whole wheat flour
1 C. finely ground almonds
2/3 C. baking powder
1/3 C. granulated sugar
1 T. salt
In a large bowl, stir all ingredients together until well blended. Store in a resealable
plastic bag. Yields about 7 1/2 cups pancake mix, enough for 3 batches of

2 1/2 C. pancake mix
1 1/4 C. water
1 egg
2 T. vegetable oil
In a medium bowl, combine all ingredients, and stir just until moistened.
Heat a greased griddle over medium heat. For each pancake, pour about 1/4 cup
batter onto griddle and cook until top of pancake is full of bubbles and underside is
golden brown. Turn with a spatula and cook until remaining side is golden brown.
Regrease griddle as necessary. Serve with butter and syrup. Yields about 1 dozen
5−inch pancakes.


1 (10 oz.) pkg. frozen broccoli
4 lg. slices cooked turkey or chicken
1 can cream of chicken or celery soup
1/3 c. milk
1/4 c. Parmesan grated cheese
Cook and drain broccoli. Arrange in 10 x 6 x 2 baking dish. Combine sour and milk. Pour over turkey. Sprinkle with cheese. Bake at 425 degrees oven about 15 to 20 minutes until brown and bubbly. 3 or 4 servings.


1 pkg. dry onion soup
8 oz. bottle red Russian dressing
8 oz. jar apricot preserves
Cut up chicken
Place chicken in baking pan. Combine ingredients and pour over chicken. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.


3 boneless chicken breasts
2 jars baby juice (Apple or peach juice)
Teriyaki sauce
Fresh garlic crushed
One clove
2 jars baby food peaches
Mix juice, peaches, garlic and teriyaki sauce in 13 x 9 dish. Add enough teriyaki to your taste. Cut chicken in pieces to place on skewer. Put in marinade overnight. Put chicken on skewers. Cook over grill. While cooking baste well with marinade. Serve with vegetables over rice.


1 c. soy sauce
1/3 c. lemon juice
1/4 c. dry sherry or wine
1/4 chopped green onion
1 garlic clove
Pinch of pepper
Combine all ingredients in a glass or ceramic container and mix well. Marinate chicken for 12 to 24 hours then either grill or broil. Makes enough for 4 to 6 pieces of chicken.


3 whole chicken breast, split, skinned and boned
3 slices (4 oz.) Swiss cheese, cut in half
3 slices (4 oz.) boiled ham, cut in half
2 tbsp. margarine
1 can cream of chicken soup
1/4 c. milk
Chopped parsley
Flatten chicken breast. Top each with 1/2 slice cheese, then ham. Secure with toothpicks. In skillet brown chicken side down in margarine or butter. Stir in soup, milk and cover. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Stir now and then. Top with parsley. Serves 6.


4 chicken breasts
3 green peppers
2 (3 oz.) cans mushrooms
1 lg. onion
4 potatoes
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1 1/2 tsp. paprika
Oil for browning
1 c. water
Brown chicken and remove from pot; brown peppers sliced and remove from pot. Brown onions and mushrooms together; add peppers and chicken, plus seasoning and water. Cover and cook on slow flame after first boil, for 2 hours.
Remove chicken, should be soft. Add peeled potatoes in large chunks and cook for additional 15 to 20 minutes until done in gravy.


1 1/3 c. Minute Rice
1 envelope onion soup mix
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 1/2 c. boiling water
4 tbsp. melted butter
Sprinkle pepper and salt
4 pieces chicken
Combine all ingredients in an ovenproof dish. Brush chicken with melted butter and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Arrange on top of casserole mixture. Cover with aluminum foil and bake 1 hour and 15 minutes until chicken is done. Can be fixed ahead of time, and then baked.


3/4 c. rice
2 cans cream of chicken soup
1 pkg. Lipton cup soup cream of chicken
2 c. water
Chicken pieces, about 2 lbs.
Mix rice, soups, water and put in greased 13 x 9 pan. Place chicken pieces on top and cover with foil. Bake at 325 degrees for 90 minutes. Remove foil and let brown 15 to 20 minutes more.
Can be made the day before and refrigerated until you bake it.


4 chicken breast halves
1/4 c. flour
Salt and pepper
4 tbsp. margarine
1 1/2 c. orange juice
Coat each half breast with seasoned flour. Melt margarine in pan and saute each side over medium heat until lightly browned. Add orange juice and cover. Cook about 15 to 20 minutes more on reduced heat until done.
Serve over rice, if desired, with the sauce. Serves 4.


1/2 pt. sour cream
8 chicken breasts boned
8 slices ham
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 can cream of celery soup
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1/4 c. sherry cooking wine, opt.
Bone chicken, wrap in slice of ham. Mix other ingredients together. Place chicken in baking dish and pour other ingredients over top. Bake about 2 hours at 325 degrees.


1 chicken breast, quarter, cut into slivers
1/2 c. onion, sliced
1/2 c. carrots, sliced
1/2 c. mushrooms, sliced
1 tbsp. peanut oil
1 garlic clove
2 tbsp. low, sodium soy sauce
Heat oil in a large skillet or wok. Saute all ingredients except soy sauce over high heat. Stir fry for 13 minutes and lower heat to medium and cook until chicken is cooked through and legs are tender and crisp about 10 minutes. Toss with soy sauce.


1/4 c. chopped onion
2 tbsp. chopped green pepper
2 tbsp. margarine
1 can cream of chicken soup
1/2 c. milk
1 1/2 c. cooked, cubed, chicken or turkey
2 tbsp. diced pimiento
Dash red pepper
Cook onion and green pepper in butter until tender. Add soup and milk. Add chicken and remaining ingredients. Heat and serve on toast or cooked rice. Serves 4.


6 chicken breasts, boned and skinned
1 c. unsweetened apple juice
1/4 tsp. ground ginger
1 tbsp. cornstarch
2 c. unpared red apples, chopped
2 stalks celery, sliced
3 tbsp. raisins
1 tbsp. sliced green onion
1 tbsp. lemon juice
1/4 tsp. salt, opt.
Place chicken, 1/2 cup apple juice, and lemon juice, salt and pepper in non stick skillet. Heat to boiling, cover and simmer for 20 minutes or until chicken is tender and done.
Remove chicken. Mix remaining apple juice and cornstarch. Stirring constantly. Add remaining ingredients. Arrange chicken on plate. Top with sauce.


10 chicken breast halves
Salt and pepper
1 (5 1/2 oz.) pkg. slivered almonds
1 (10 1/2 oz.) can cream of mushroom soup
1 (10 1/2 oz.) can cream of chicken soup
1/4 to 1/2 c. dry white wine, or water or other liquid
Parmesan cheese
Spread chicken in very lightly greased baking dish. Cover with 2/3 of the almonds. Mix soups with wine. Pour over chicken and almonds. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese on top and then sprinkle remaining almonds over. Bake at 350 degrees for 2 hours uncovered. Serves 8 to 10.


1 tbsp. plus 1 tbsp. saffron ace
1 lg. onion, sliced
1 lg. green pepper, sliced
1/2 c. fresh mushberries, sliced
1 1/2 lbs. boneless chicken cubed
18 oz. can tomato sauce
16 oz. tomatoes, chopped drained
1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp. oregano
1/2 tsp. basil
1/4 tsp. garlic powder
Lite salt and pepper to taste
Heat oil in large nonstick skillet. Add onions green pepper and mushrooms. Cook until slightly tender. Add chicken. Cook, turning chicken frequently until pinkness is gone. Add remaining ingredients.
Cover and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes until heated through. Serve over rice. Makes 4 servings (1 protein, 2 vegetables per serving).


8 chicken breast halves, skinned
8 slices Swiss cheese
1 can cream of chicken soup
1/3 c. white wine
1 c. Pepperidge herb stuffing mix
1/4 tsp. melted butter or margarine
Put chicken in very lightly greased baking dish. Top with cheese. Combine soup and wine. Spoon over chicken. Sprinkle with stuffing. Drizzle melted butter over chicken. Bake at 350 degrees 45 to 50 minutes. Serves 6 to 8.


1/2 c. ketchup
1/2 c. mayonnaise
3 tbsp. minced onion
Bread crumbs or crushed corn flakes
2 to 2 1/2 cut up chicken
Mix first three ingredients and dip chicken. Coat with crumbs or flakes. Bake on greased pan or roll lined pan.
Bake at 375 degrees for 40 to 45 minutes.


3 or 4 lbs. chicken, cut up
1/2 c. margarine, melted
1/2 c. honey
1 tsp. salt
1/4 c. prep. mustard
1 tsp. curry
Pour over chicken. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 1/4 hours. Basting every 15 minutes.


1 whole chicken or any combo of chicken pieces
1 to 2 c. of flour for coating
Salt and pepper to taste
4 tbsp. butter
4 tbsp. Crisco
2 beaten eggs
Wash and dry chicken parts. Combine salt, pepper, and flour and coat chicken. Dip each piece in egg mixture and brown each side in hot, melted shortening and butter. Lower heat and cook for about 15 minutes more on each side. Use heavy iron or aluminum frypan if possible.
Remove from pan and drain on paper towels. Pour all but 3 tablespoons of fat from pan and return to heat. Add 3 tablespoons flour to pan and stir with fat until lightly browned. Add 2 cups of milk and some parsley or parsley flakes and cook on medium heat until thick. Put in gravy boat and serve with the chicken that you have arranged on a platter.


1 pkg. chicken
1/4 c. butter
1/2 c. sherry
15 oz. can stewed tomato bits
1 (6 oz.) can mushrooms
1 pkg. Italian dressing mix
1/4 c. chopped green pepper
1 tsp. Italian seasoning
Garlic powder, to taste
Boil chicken until done. Save water (use this to boil rice in). Cut chicken into tiny squares. Brown in butter and sherry. Add tomatoes, mushrooms, Italian dressing mix, green pepper and other seasonings. Bring to boil and simmer for one hour. Serve over rice.


1 frying chicken, cut up
1 tbsp. melted butter
Dash of salt, pepper, ginger
3 celery stalks
1 can pineapple (chunk)
2 tbsp. brown sugar
3 tbsp. water
1 1/2 tbsp. soy sauce
1 tbsp. vinegar
1 tbsp. cornstarch
1 red pepper (optional)
Rinse chicken, place skin side up in oiled pan. Pour melted butter over chicken. Sprinkle chicken with salt, pepper, ginger, diced celery. Bake chicken at 325 degrees for about 20 minutes. Drain pineapple juice into cup. Blend in brown sugar, water, soy sauce, vinegar, cornstarch. Pour mixture over chicken in pan. Top with pineapple chunks and pepper.


1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 c. milk
5 lbs. cut up cooked chicken
1 pt. sour cream
1 pkg. Pepperidge Farm stuffing mix
Mix soups, sour cream and milk. Add chicken. Mix all ingredients and layer in baking dish alternating with stuffing mix. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.


6 pieces boneless breast of chicken
4 tbsp. olive oil
2 tbsp. butter
1 clove garlic
2 eggs
1 bouillon cube
1 can chicken broth
6 slices of Mozzarella cheese
Dip boneless, skinless chicken breast in breadcrumbs and eggs. In a large skillet, heat olive oil, butter, garlic and melt bouillon cube. Make sure to put heat on low so oil doesn't burn. When oil is hot, brown chicken on both sides in oil, increase heat so chicken gets nice and brown on both sides, lower heat and add chicken broth. Simmer until hot. Add Mozzarella cheese to top chicken.


2 whole chicken breasts, boned & skinned
1/3 c. white wine
1/3 c. lemon juice
2 cloves fresh minced garlic
3 tbsp. breadcrumbs
2 tbsp. olive oil
1/4 c. parsley, fresh
In a measuring cup, combine wine, lemon juice and garlic. Pound each breast until 1/4 inch thick and lightly coat with breadcrumbs. Heat olive oil in a large skillet and brown chicken, 5 minutes on each side. Stir wine mixture and pour over chicken in skillet. Sprinkle on parsley and let simmer 5 minutes. Serve with pan juices.


2/3 c. flour
1 tsp. salt
1/2 c. vegetable oil
1 green pepper
1/2 tsp. pepper
1/2 tsp. garlic salt
Sliced onion
1 lg. jar spaghetti sauce
Chicken (boneless) breasts, quartered
Wash chicken. Mix flour, salt, pepper and garlic together. Coat chicken, brown in oil, then drain. Top chicken with peppers and onions (sliced). Add sauce on top. Cover and simmer about 1 hour. Serve with spaghetti.


Paul Prudhomynes seafood magic
10 oz. pounded chicken breast
Cooked linguini
3 sliced mushrooms
1 diced tomato
2 tbsp. mustard
4 tbsp. honey
3 oz. cream
Pat the chicken in the seasonings, then in a very hot fry pan; sear the chicken on both sides until it is done. Take chicken, slice, put back in pan with a little oil, the diced tomato and mushrooms for 2 minutes. Add the honey, mustard and cream. Cook for 5 minutes at medium heat. toss in linguini. Serves 2.