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Fried Rice

/ On : 11:48 AM
1 Serving – multiply the recipe to make more
1 Tablespoon olive oil
1 Tablespoon chopped onion
1 Tablespoon chopped celery
1 Tablespoon thinly-sliced carrot
1 cup cooked basmati rice
2-3 ounces cooked meat (chopped
chicken, thinly sliced beef, ground pork, etc.)
2 Tablespoons frozen no-salt peas
1 egg white
non-iodized salt to taste

Heat oil over medium heat in 8-inch non-stick
skillet. Add onion, celery, and carrot and saute 2-3
minutes. Add rice, meat, and peas and heat through.
Move rice mixture to outsides of pan, leaving an
empty circle in the middle. Add egg white to middle
of pan and stir frequently (stir the egg white only).
When egg white is cooked, mix in with the rice
mixture and add salt to taste.


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