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Chicken Focaccia Sandwiches

/ On : 4:50 PM
3 skinless boneless chicken breast halves (cut in half
again horizontally so they are thin for sandwiches)
1 teaspoon dry Italian dressing
seasoning mix
(from this cookbook)
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
1 Tablespoon olive oil
1/2 cup water
1-1/2 cup sliced red onion (1/4
inch thick)
2 red peppers, cut in strips
1/3 cup chopped green onion
1 batch focaccia bread (recipe found in this book),
cut in half horizontally
Note: Cook bread in the oven instead of the bread
machine. Shape into two 5” loaves or one large 10”
loaf. I prefer the smaller ones.
Mix Italian dressing seasoning with garlic powder
and pepper. Coat each chicken breast with
seasoning. Heat oil in a large skillet and sear
chicken until brown. Reduce heat and add water.
Cook until tender. Remove chicken and keep warm.
In same pan, increase heat and cook veggies.
Season with salt and pepper. Cut bread in half and
toast in oven or toaster oven, top with chicken and
veggies. Replace lid and cut into four sandwiches.
At serving time, drizzle with Italian salad dressing
for added seasoning. Wrap leftovers in foil when
cool. Reheats well in microwave. Just remove top
and heat.


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