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Vegetable-Stuffed Mushroom Caps

/ On : 11:50 AM
½ cup finely chopped nuts (home
coffee grinder/mill works well, but don’t use for
anything but the nuts!)
½ cup finely chopped apples
1/8 cup finely chopped onion
mushroom stems, finely
½ teaspoon garlic powder
2 cups fresh mushrooms
olive oil or other vegetable

Clean the mushrooms with a little water or a damp
towel and remove the stems. Cut the dried ends off
the stems so you only chop the more tender portions
of the stem.
Mix all the chopped ingredients and the seasonings
Dip mushroom cap in oil so it is coated (or if you
prefer, you can just dip the outside of the cap. The
oils from the nuts will keep the inside of the
mushroom moist).
Place stuffing inside cap and set cap, top down
(stuffing up) on tray.
Place under broiler for about 5 minutes.


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