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Tabouli (Wheat Salad)

/ On : 11:36 AM
1 1/2 cups cracked wheat or bulgur wheat
(found in hot cereal section of grocery store)
1 1/2 cups boiling water
1 cucumber; remove seeds
3 tomatoes
1 bunch parsley (I don’t use the whole
fresh or dried mint to taste
Cook wheat in water according to package
directions. It should be a grainy consistency, not
pasty. Chill in refrigerator. If water is not completely
absorbed, squeeze out with paper towel. Chop
veggies and herbs very fine. Mix with chilled wheat.
Dressing for Tabouli
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/2 cup lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt
Mix into wheat/vegetable mixture to taste. Chill.
Salad can be eaten with a fork or on bread. We like
dipping pita bread into it, but could not find any that
was appropriate for the low-iodine diet.


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